Self-Care vs Self-Indulgence

Where do you draw the line between what feels good and what is actually good for you?

Lines have become blurred with the rise of the "treat yourself" mentality and other hashtag-worthy philosophies. I'm totally guilty of subbing an hour of retail therapy, face masks and treadmill for happy hour in the name of "self-care". Both activities serve me in different ways at different moments in time. But like many things, without moderation and balance, certain habits can cause some pretty major implications

Self-care is more than just - taking care of ourselves. Yes, sometimes that means ordering dessert or not leaving bed on a Sunday. But in order to holistically - through mind, body and soul - show we value ourselves, there has to be balance. And balance is challenging. It takes effort. Prioritizing our time and checking in with ourselves are the first steps. The more consciously you focus on the balance, the better you will ultimately feel. And isn't that the point of self-care, after all?

Next time you do something in the name of self care, consider if it truly serves you, or is it just a quick fix that ultimately leaves you feeling worse?


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